Road Photos & Information: New South Wales
  Hume Highway & South Western Freeway (Metroad 5) - St Andrews to Campbelltown (Decommissioned)


Route Numbering:

General Information:

Metroad 5 is a major arterial route from the Airport and CBD to the south-western suburbs of Sydney. It is the only Metroad that is fully freeway standard, which was acheived in December 2002 when traffic lights that operated at Moorebank (Moorebank Av) for over 15 years were switched off, being replaced by an overpass.

The Glenfield to Woodbine section of the freeway was once part of the NSW freeway numbering scheme and used to be numbered F5. Which was phased out in the 1980s, replaced with National Highway 31.


Click here for photos of the between The Cross Roads and St Andrews, from the 1970s

Campbelltown to St Andrews   St Andrews to Campbelltown
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tn_201004_01_curranshill_narellanrd_mr9.jpg Advance Directional Sign:
AD sign on Narellan Road at Currans Hill, approaching Hume Hwy (NH31 / Metroad 5) & Narellan Rd (SR89) interchange, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

  Advance Directional Sign:
AD sign next to the St Andrews Rd overpass at St Andrews, for the Campbelltown Rd (SR56) interchange. November 2010. Click here for a photo of this area from April 2010.
Click here for a photo from December 2005 of this scene prior  to the commencement of upgrade works.

Image © Rob Tilley

tn_201004_02_blairmount_narellanrd_mr9.jpg Narellan Road Interchange:
Looking southeast at Blairmount on Narellan Road, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

  Supplemental Advance Directional Sign:
Supplemental AD sign at St Andrews, for the Campbelltown Rd (SR56) interchange. November 2010. Click here for a photo of this area from April 2010.
Click here for a photo of this scene prior  to the commencement of upgrade works.

Image © Rob Tilley

tn_201004_03_blairmount_narellanrd_mr9.jpg Narellan Road Interchange:
Looking southeast at Blairmount on Narellan Road, as Metroad 9 terminates, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands


Robert Northey Bridge:
Robert Northey Bridge at St Andrews, April 2010. The bridge was named after Robert Northey, who was killed assisting someone who had been hit on the freeway. 3

Image © Paul Rands

tn_201004_04_blairmount_narellanrd_mr9.jpg Narellan Road Interchange:
Looking southeast at Blairmount on Narellan Road, as Metroad 9 terminates, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

  AD Sign:
Advance directional sign at St Andrews for the Campbelltown Rd (SR56) interchange, November 2010. Click here for a photo of this area from August 2010. Click here for a photo of this scene prior  to the commencement of upgrade works.

Image © Rob Tilley

tn_201004_05_eaglevale_campbelltownrd.jpg Campbelltown Road Interchange:
Northbound at Eagle Vale at the Campbelltown Road interchange, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

  tn_201004_12_standrews_rabyrd.jpg Raby Road Overpass:
Raby Rd overpass at St Andrews, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

tn_200910_06_eaglevale_rabyrd.jpg Raby Road Overpass:
Northbound carriageway of Hume Hwy at Eagle Vale as it approaches the Raby Rd overpass, October 2009.

Image © Paul Rands

  tn_201004_13_standrews_campbelltownrd_sr56.jpg Campbelltown Road:
Hume Hwy (Metroad 5) at the interchange with Campbelltown Road at St Andrews. April 2010. Click here for a photo from December 2005 of this scene prior  to the commencement of upgrade works.

Image © Paul Rands

tn_200910_07_raby_robertnortheybr.jpg Robert Northey Bridge:
Robert Northey Bridge at Raby, October 2009. The bridge was named after Robert Northey, who was killed assisting someone who had been hit on the freeway. 3

Image © Paul Rands

  tn_201004_14_standrews_campbelltownrd_sr56.jpg Campbelltown Road:
Hume Hwy (Metroad 5) at the interchange with Campbelltown Road at St Andrews. April 2010. Click here for a photo from December 2005 from December 2005 of this scene prior  to the commencement of upgrade works.

Image © Paul Rands

tn_201004_08_raby.jpg Distance Sign:
RD sign at Raby, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

  tn_201008_14_woodbine.jpg Reassurance Sign:
Metroad 5 trailblazer as you head southbound through Woodbine, August 2010. Click here for a photo from December 2005 of this scene prior  to the commencement of upgrade works.

Image © Paul Rands

tn_201004_09_raby.jpg Trailblazer:
Reassurance marker at Raby, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

  tn_201008_15_woodbine_skyewinterbr.jpg Skye Winter Bridge:
Hume Hwy (Metroad 5) as it passes under Skye Winter bridge at Woodbine, August 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

tn_201004_10_raby_campbelltownrd_sr56.jpg Advance Directional Sign:
AD sign for the Campbelltown Road interchange. Raby, near St Andrews Road, August 2010. Click here for a photo of the previous version of this sign from October 2009.

Image © Paul Rands

  tn_201008_16_woodbine_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg Advance Directional Sign:
AD sign for the Narellan Road Interchange. Taken August 2010, southbound at Woodbine. Click here for a photo from December 2005 of the old version of this sign.

Image © Paul Rands

tn_200910_11_raby_standrewsrd.jpg St Andrews Road Overpass:
Northbound carriageway of Hume Hwy (Metroad 5) as it passes under St Andrews Road in Raby, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

  tn_201004_17_woodbine_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg Supplemental Advance Directional Sign:
Supplemental AD sign for the Narellan Road Interchange. April 2010, southbound at Woodbine.

Image © Paul Rands

      tn_201004_18_blairathol_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg Advance Directional Sign:
AD sign for the Narellan Road Interchange. Taken April 2010, southbound at Woodbine. 

Image © Paul Rands

      tn_201008_19_campbelltown_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg Supplemental Advance Directional Sign:
Supplemental AD sign for the Narellan Road Interchange. August 2010, southbound at Campbelltown.

Image © Paul Rands

      tn_201008_20_campbelltown_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg Narellan Road Interchange:
This used to be the end of the motorway back in the early 1980s, in fact it's the end of Metroad 5, which turns into National Highway 31. August 2010. Click here for a photo from December 2005 of the old version of this sign.

Image © Paul Rands

      tn_201004_21_campbelltown_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg Narellan Road Exit:
Intersection directional signs over the lanes of the Narellan Rd (SR69 / Metroad 9) interchange at Campbelltown, August 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

      tn_201004_22_campbelltown_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg Narellan Road Exit:
Intersection directional sign at the exit gore of the Narellan Rd (SR69 / Metroad 9) interchange at Campbelltown, August 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

      tn_201004_23_campbelltown_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg Passing under Narellan Road:
When using the interchange to head towards Narellan, you go under Narellan Rd on a separated carriageway from the freeway. April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

      tn_201004_24_campbelltown_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg Narellan Road Interchange:
Narellan Rd off ramp, Campbelltown, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

      tn_201004_25_campbelltown_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg Narellan Road Interchange:
Narellan Rd off ramp, Campbelltown, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

      tn_201008_22_campbelltown_narellanrd_sr69_mr9.jpg End Metroad 5 / Start National Highway 31:
End Metroad 5 / start NH31 sign near the Narellan Rd interchange, Campbelltown, April 2010.

Image © Paul Rands

Click here for the continuation of Hume Hwy as NH31
Click here for the continuation of Metroad 5 between St Andrews and Casula

1 Roads and Traffic Authority, Schedule of Classified Roads (and unclassified Regional Roads), 25 February 2008
2 Department of Main Roads New South Wales, South Western Freeway, F5 from The Cross Roads near Liverpool to Aylmerton near Mittagong
3 Campbelltown City Council, City Works Committee Meeting minutes attachment, 12 November 2002

Last updated: 17-Dec-2019 0:55

This site © Paul Rands. All rights reserved. Some portions © (copyright) by their respective and credited owners. Permission must be obtained before using any images from this site. For details, please email by clicking here.