- Length:
- 2371 km
- Termini:
- Eastern: (Northern Section) WA-NT Border, Lake Argyle and (Southern Section) WA-SA Border, Eucla
- Western: (Northern Section) Great Northern Hwy (NH95) and North West Coastal Hwy (NR1), Mundabullangana (near Port Hedland), and (Southern Section) Coolgardie-Esperance Hwy (NH94) and Coolgardie-Esperance Hwy (NR1), Norseman
- Miscellaneous:
- Northern Section continues in Northern Territory as Victoria Hwy (A1)
- Southern Section continues in South Australia as Eyre Hwy (A1)
- Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
- Northern Section: Mundabullangana (near Port Hedland), Derby, Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek, Warmun, Wijilawarrim (near Wyndham) and Kununurra
- Southern Section: Eucla, Mundrabilla, Madura, Cocklebiddy, Caiguna, Balladonia and Norseman
Route Numbering:
- Current: 1
- Former: 1
- Road Authority Internal Classification: 1
- H003 (SA Border to Norseman)
- H006 (Wijilawarrim (near Wyndham) to Mundabullangana (near Port Hedland))
- H011 (NT Border to Wijilawarrim (near Wyndham))
General Information:
National Highway 1 is split into 2 segments in Western Australia and is the only paved route linking Western Australia with the eastern states. Along the southern end of WA it is known as Eyre Highway, which is a 2 lane undivided rural highway that runs from the WA-SA border near Eucla to Norseman in Western Australia's mining country. At the northern end of WA, it is known as Great Northern Highway and Victoria Highway. Great Northern Highway travels from Port Hedland to Wyndham, and then from there National Highway 1 is known as the Victoria Highway to the WA-NT border. At each western terminus of National Highway 1, the route continues as National Route 1, and the Auslink funded National Highway is routed via other route numbers through the state.
Eyre Highway:
The southern section of National Highway 1 traverses the Nullarbor Plain and is named after Edward John Eyre, who was an English land explorer of the Australian continent, colonial administrator, and Governor of Jamaica. The Nullarbor Plain itself is the world's biggest piece of limestone, at 200 000 square kilometres.2
The section of Eyre Highway between Balladonia and Caiguna includes what is regarded as the longest straight stretch of road in Australia and one of the longest in the world. The road stretches for 146.6 kilometres without turning, and is signposted and commonly known as the "90 Mile Straight". 3 4
The Eyre Highway was constructed during the World War II, the current route of the highway has not been deviated significantly during various upgrades to the highway over the years. 5 The route also features a quarantine checkpoint at the WA-SA border for traffic entering Western Australia and at Ceduna for traffic entering South Australia. Fruit, vegetables and plant materials are confiscated at these points to reduce disease risks spreading across the country.2 The route is quite isolated, however is dotted by several roadhouses along the way.
Great Northern Highway and Victoria Highway:
The northern section is subject to seasonal weather closures, usually during cyclone season.
National Highway 1 from Port Hedland to the Northern Territory border forms part of the main land transport link between Perth and the Kimberley and the only sealed road connecting Perth with the Northern Territory. 6
It's a rural highway, generally featuring 1 lane in each direction. The route forms part of the Savannah Way which traverses the 3 states - Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland. Savannah Way in WA runs from Broome to the NT Border, which shares over 1050 km with NH1 in WA.
- Eyre Highway:
- 1969: Completion of sealing of Eyre Highway. And the introduction of National Route 1. 5
- 1974: National Route 1 replaced by National Highway 1 with the introduction of the federally funded The National Highway system. 7
- Great Northern Highway:
- 1974: National Route 1 replaced by National Highway 1 with the introduction of the federally funded The National Highway system. 7
- February 2005: Opening to traffic of four new bridges and associated roadworks at Elvire River, Palm Creek, Upper Panton River and Roses Yard Creek. This project was part of an ongoing strategy to upgrade Great Northern Highway between Halls Creek and Victoria Highway. The new bridges provide significant safety and access improvements over the old floodway crossings, which were subject to annual closures of up to three weeks. 6
- August 2008: Reconstruction and strengthening of the Mt Wynne Bridge between Broome and Fitzroy Crossing. Also upgrade works to the 13 km Colourstone section of the Great Northern Highway between Broome and Derby. The project involved rehabilitation and widening of the existing pavement. 6
- Victoria Highway:
- 1974: National Route 1 replaced by National Highway 1 with the introduction of the federally funded The National Highway system. 7
- July 2008: Bridges at Frog Hollow and Mistake Creeks near Warmun strengthened to increase their structural capacity and upgraded guard railing installed. New guard railing also installed at the bridge over Dunham River on Victoria Highway. Other highway upgrades include work to improve pavement strength, road alignment, road safety and overall flood serviceability at Elvire to Sandy Creek (20 km north of Halls Creek), Fletchers Creek Bridge (120 km north of Halls Creek), Big Mabel Creek Bridge (20 km south of Warmun), Telegraph Creek Bridge (20 km north of Warmun) and Bow River (20 km north of Warmun). 6
1 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia, Road Information Mapping System.
2 Tourism Eyre Peninsula.
3 Lonely Planet, Outback Australia: a Lonely Planet Australia guide (1st edition), p. 328, Ron Moon, Hugh Finlay, Denis O'Byrne, Jeff Williams, 1994, ISBN 978-0-86442-239-2.
4 Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC News, Sign at the start of 90 mile straight, Australia's longest straight road, 13 October 2009.
5 WA Government, State Library of Western Australia.
6 WA Government, Main Roads Western Australia.
7 Sam Laybutt (