- Length:
- 27 km
- Termini:
- Eastern: Huon Hwy (A6), Geeveston
- Western: Hartz Rd (C632) turnaround, Hartz Mountain Day Visitor Centre, Hartz Mountains National Park
- Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
- Geeveston and Hartz Mountains National Park
Route Numbering:
- Current: C632
General Information:
Located southwest of Hobart, C632 is a steep and winding road linking the town of Geeveston with the Hartz Mountains, which is part of Tasmania's Wilderness World Heritage Area.
- 2019: Work commenced on widening Arve Road. Works included widening the road, installing a footpath, kerb and gutter, constructing gravel shoulders and improving drainage. 1
- June 2019: Completion of footpath construction from Huon Highway to Church Street at Geeveston. Conclusion of kerb and channel works at the intersection of School Road and Arve Road bridge. 1
- August 2020: Arve Road upgrades that commenced in 2019 completed. 1
- February 2021: A 2.5 km section of Arve Road at Geeveston resealed. 2
- March 2021: Linemarking works on recently resealed section of Arve Road at Geeveston completed. 2
Intersection Directional Sign:
ID sign facing Arve Rd (C632) at the junction with Huon Hwy (A6), Geeveston, July 2018.
Image © Paul Rands
Intersection Directional Sign:
ID sign facing Church St, Geeveston, July 2018.
Image © Paul Rands
1 Huon Valley Council, Have Your Say, Arve Road, Geeveston Upgrade.
2 Huon Valley Council, Huon Valley News, Arve Road Line Marking Update.