- Length:
- 12 km
- Termini:
- Northern: Pinnacle Rd (C616) turnaround, Wellington Park
- Southern: Huon Rd (B64), Fern Tree
- Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
- Fern Tree, The Springs and Wellington Park
Route Numbering:
- Current: C616
General Information:
C616 is a steep, narrow and winding road that links Hobart with the top of Mount Wellington / kunanyi. Atop of the mountain, of which the pinnacle is 1271 metres above sea level, is a series of lookouts and tourist facilities, plus several communications towers and a vast wilderness reserve.
- 1888: Work commenced on establishing a road to The Springs. 1
- 1937: Work concluded on extending the road from The Springs to the summit of Mount Wellington / kunanyi. It was constructed as a Depression era work scheme. 1
Intersection Directional Sign:
ID sign at the corner of Pillinger Dr (C616) and Huon Rd (B68) at Fern Tree, July 2018.
Image © Paul Rands
1 Wellington Park Management Trust.