
20 km
Eastern: Main North Road (A20) and Saints Road (unnumbered), Salisbury Heights
Western: City Ring Road (R1) and Botanic Road, Hackney
Suburbs, Towns & Localities Along Route:
Salisbury Heights, Salsbury East, Golden Grove, Wynn Vale, Surrey Downs, Fairview Park, Redwood Park, Ridgehaven, Tea Tree Gully, St Agnes, Vista, Hope Valley, Highbury, Dernancourt, Paradise, Campbelltown, Hectorville, Glynde, Marden, Payneham, Royston Park, Evandale, Stepney, Hackney and Kent Town

Route Numbering:

Current: A11
Road Authority Internal Classification: 1
05201 (Salisbury Heights to Surrey Downs)
05206 (Surrey Downs to (Hope Valley)
05218 (Highbury)
05221 (Hackney to Highbury)

General Information:

A11 is a major arterial link between the Adelaide CBD and Adelaide's northeastern suburbs and travels through some of Adelaide's older suburbs.

Click or tap here for the former alignment between Vista and Houghton

Hackney (Adelaide) to Salisbury Heights


Advance Directional Sign:

Southbound AD sign on Hackney Rd (R1) at Hackney, approaching Dequetteville Tce (R1), North Tce (A11) and Botanic Rd, June 2023.

Image © Christina Winkler


Advance Directional Sign:

AD sign on The Grove Way (A11) at Salisbury Heights, approaching Main North Rd (A20) and Saints Rd, June 2023.

Image © Christina Winkler

1 SA Government, Location SA Map Viewer.